Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Love of Lily

The emotions of it all is catching up to me.  So much of what I have talked about and written about on Lily is how much we love her and have loved her for so long...even before we knew her or her identity.   But now...I can truly write about Lily and her love for us.  It is AMAZING and to us...a miracle.  All this time, we prayed for this little baby girl.  We prayed that she would be well taken care of at the orphanage...and she was.  We prayed she would even be loved at the orphanage...and she was.  We prayed that she would be stimulated...physically with toys and learning with her brain...and she was.  It all came true.  Our prayers were answered ...and that truly is amazing because that is very rare at orphanages.  And then we prayed that she would love us instantly... a long shot...right?  I mean...who loves you instantly?  Am I right?  It's like a dream.  An incredible dream.  We prayed for a smooth transition with the boys and all our family.  And YES, it all came true.  The pictures you see below...are all of her hugging and loving our family and friends.  In a matter of a few minutes, she is smiling, laughing and hugging them...all on her own.  This is a baby girl from across the world who knew only Chinese, who only saw the same kids, the same nannies, the same walls...and rarely got outside.

It is not possible to put into words the beautiful light that shines so bright inside Lily.  Her eyes are so full of life...and it's so infectious!  I can't put it into words...but if you look at everyones'll understand.

Lily has A LOT of love to give.  Again, I'm amazed.  How is it possible for this baby girl who has lived in an orphanage her entire have such tremendous love?  It's day 16.  Sixteen days Lily has physically been in our arms...and she has changed us.  And our boys...our precious boys LOVE their sister.  It melts my heart how excited they are to see her in the mornings and after school.  Jake and Noah will sit by her bed and quietly wait for her to wake up.  I'm beyond proud of them.  I'm honored to be their mom.  
I have over 200 pictures like these but just too many to post.  We are so blessed.  We could not have dreamed for a better transition.  She is a gift...a God-given gift.  And she loves.  Lily loves...without boundaries.  

So tomorrow we see our first surgeon and the cleft/palate team at Lutheran General.  In fact...we will meet Oliver's surgeon (Lily's cousin ;).  Ollie had major surgery on his head (ear to ear) about 14 months ago.  And come to find out from my sister in law, Kelly, that this surgeon is one of the top surgeons for cleft/palate.  Well...say no more ;)  Just look at Ollie now.  He is 2 months younger than Lily.  Yep...his melon and physique look quite healthy indeed! ;)  Love this boy!  We were trying to get him to hug Lily but ...he would just slightly touch her on the shoulder.  So stinkin' cute!

On Friday...we meet a surgeon and team at Lurie Children's for consult.
These meetings can take up to 3 hours.  Sooooooo...yeah, little worried about Lily-cakes.  She may not be so sweet by the end of that.  And it takes an hour each way to get to these hospitals.
AND, next week we have to get blood drawn for a series of tests.

Don't give up on me.  I'm still going to keep up the blog :))  I will try to update at least every other day.  Next blog shall be titled..."Sneezing Noodles."  I got your curiosity right? it's clean up time.  Lily can't be partying all the time ya know.  She's gotta pull her weight around here ;) he he

We will keep you posted on the surgery consults.  Thank you for the continued prayers!!!  much love, D&N


  1. Can't wait to meet her, y'all! She is adorable! (All of my friends think so, also). We love her, too!!!

