Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 8 with little LiL

It's Day 8 with our Lily-pop.  This morning was our medical visit appointment.  She was checked out by doctors and nurses.  We breezed right through.  She wasn't too happy about it but really it was rather quick and painless.  She was mostly scared :(  The good news is she is under 2 so she did not have to get a TB shot here.'s her picture for her Visa.  Nope...not happy.

Afterward, the families got together to go to Shamain Island.  It's a really pretty area with fun shopping.  The architecture actually reminded us of New Orleans.  BUT before shopping, we first had to go to a greasy American food restaurant called Lucy's so we could get a burger & fry fix!  It was excellent!  And we all successfully clogged our arteries.

Let's just say...Dale was "done" shopping.  That's his "DONE" face. :))

Tonight we get on a Pearl River Cruise with all the families.   We are ordering Papa Johns pizza to take with us!  YES! They have Papa Johns!  SO happy!!!! I'm noodled out here!!

And check this out...we found a swwweeeeeeeet find!  I'd like to dedicate this to the "Merl family...Party of 6."  Yes...that's's a wine vending machine! 

And... Lily already commands the TV remote!

Yep...she's just like Daddy.

We are thrilled that we are on the "final countdown" to coming home!  4 days til departure!
Prayers have been answered on sooooo many levels!  This mission is almost accomplished!  God has been present in all ways here!  I'm so thankful that we've stayed healthy.  God strengthened us and in numerous situations gave us an extra dose of grace ;)  I feel like I could climb a mountain with how much endurance He's given us.  AND,  Lily is such a blessing!  And everything having to do with Lily...the process to get her....the paperwork...everything has been smooth.  Please continue those prayers.  We will need them to get home.  And when we get will be a huge adjustment for everyone (including our boys).  I will continue the blog even after we get home.  It's been important to us to communicate and document all of this.  But when we get home...she has a whole new set of challenges such as surgeries to repair her cleft palate.  This entails a lot including ENT, Dental, speech, etc.  Lots of love!  Dale & Nancy 


  1. Nancy-San, what an awesome day you had! Healthy Dr. visit, grease, wine, shopping and smiles from Lily. Not so many smiles from Mr. Dale. I've seen that "done" face before. We'll be praying you guys home! We're all ready and willing to help you out once you get home and need time to adjust not only to the time difference but to life with 3 children! My boys have been wanting a play date with your boys but your family is keeping them quite busy. Enjoy your last few days! xoxo

  2. Glad that the doctor's appointment went well -- she looks nice and healthy from all the pictures!! I can't believe in just a few short days you'll be making your way with Lily. As the doctor's appointments and surgeries get underway, let us know how we can help! At some point in between all that, we need to figure out how we should all meet miss Lily!! I promise not to be by over-bearing baby self....and will be patient with trying to cuddle and shower her with kisses! ;-) Love logging onto the blog each day and hearing about your adventures....keep the posts coming!!
