Monday, April 28, 2014

Technical Difficulties

Please hold, we are experiencing technical difficulties.  AHHHHHHHHH!  Can I just tell you how frustrated we've been with our internet provider?  Oh my word!  We've been without internet for a solid week and it has been off and on for a month since we got home from China.  I can't even calculate how many hours we've been on the phone with them.  I won't say their name but let's just starts with a vowel and ends with two leTTers.  Then Dale even tried to change our provider and that one didn't even show up!  OK...I'm done!  I'll get off my ranting wagon ;)
On to bigger and more fun things!  I'll give you a quick run down because it's way past my bedtime!
But I'm so happy to be back online!
Let's start with Easter Lily ;))  How adorable is she!!  I can't resist her!
Big bro Jake !  I'm so proud of him and how wonderful he is to her!

The boys found their Easter baskets!

Noah got a big boy bike! 

Lily steals all the boys chocolates!  She's definitely MY daughter!!!  ;)

There's more to tell but I have to cut it short tonight!  Momma needs her beauty sleep! ;o
xoxo, D&N

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