Sunday, April 6, 2014


On the "cuteness factor" of 1 to 10... Lily is off the charts!  Oh my word is she stink'in  cute!!
I know you all just want to see let's just start with that!

Lily would prefer to fall asleep on my bathmat vs. her own bed ;)

She prefers wearing her daddy's shoes

bedtime with jammies AND a bow in her hair;)

This is right before her lab appointment... they took 8 vials of blood!  They test everything on adoptees !!  Poor baby!  She was not this happy after that.   But she was a trooper!

Lily loves wearing her brother's robe too!

Lily wanted nothing to do with the carseat the first few days.  Now?  NO problem!  She does not mind it at all and in fact ...usually falls asleep within the first 5 minutes!

Dale's first work travel away...all 3 kiddos were in my bed and Lily was snuggled up with Noah!  That's Noah's arm underneath her.  So cute!

My mind is reeling still from all the emotions.  We are still witnessing our friends meeting Lily.   Tears start streaming with some of our friends (and you know who you are ;))  I smile with love just typing this because...I get it.  And it's just so cool to have friends that have fallen in love with this baby girl before they even knew her!  So many of you have been on this journey with us...for the past 2 years!  She didn't seem real...and now we all get to hold this love bug.  And she IS a love bug!

Here's a tearful friend who I refer to as one of Lily's "prayer warriors."  Laura met Lily for first time at church tonight.

Thank you Laura and Jim ...and all of our friends who have prayed and continue to pray for our Lily-Bug.   All the prayers...her adjustment...everything has been off the charts...awesome!  As you can see from so many pictures...she has adjusted beautifully.  And so have we.  And I shouldn't be surprised because we knew...we knew this was God's plan for our family.  Perhaps I'll write about that soon on how we knew that.  And wow!  We feel so blessed in all ways!!!  We feel blessed the charts blessed!!!

Ok... back to the cuteness!  And to answer your question...YES...I'm having a ball dressing her!  How adorable is this outfit from Lil' Surprises...downtown Frankfort!

And yes...that IS duct tape around her bottle.  I still have a little "redneck" in me ...and her bottle cracked sooooooo there you have it ;)

Lily is scheduled for her cleft palate surgery on May 13th at Lurie Children's.  I'll keep you posted.

Sorry for the delay on this post.  I do have numerous excuses but primarily I've been enamored with spending time with our boys and this little sweet Lily-Cake.

I know I've said this before...and I have to say it again...but we can't thank you all enough for all the support.  We've had so many cards and letters encouraging us!  Thank you!  I can't tell you enough how much that has meant to us!  And the letters and drawings that came in to the boys while we were gone are priceless!  Thank you all!  I can't possibly write thank you notes for all of please accept this as our "thank you!"

Lots of love, D&N

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