Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's GO time! Surgery for Lily

Here we are!  Lily is in surgery right now.  I'm actually doing ok.  No tears for Momma.  But "Ba Ba" (aka: Daddy) was a crying mess!  Just kidding!  No tears from him either.   I didn't like thinking about what she must be thinking when they took her away.  Or how scared is she?   They were very nice and held her as they walked away.  So I choked back some tears there.  Dr. Corcoran (not pictured) said to us that she would care for her just like she was her own child.  I really like her.  She's real and has excellent bedside manner.

The morning went well.  I got up about 4:30am and we got Lily up about 5:15 and got her in car right away.  She wasn't crabby or anything.  She was very easy going.  She did not care for the hospital gown.  I think she didn't feel like it was "her color." ;)  But most of all, Lily could not stand the tag they put around her ankle.  She was obsessed with it and was quite frustrated.  But she settled down.

Here she is in her 3 point stance...ready to tackle anything!  She's focused!  She's motivated!  She's got team spirit!  Go Lily!  I'm so proud of my girl!  This is where her strong will and determination (all God's work!) will pull her through.

We've had lots of questions on what exactly does a cleft palate look like.  Well...here's a pic.  Lily's is a rather wide 1.5 cm trench from the very front (right behind her front teeth) to the back.  She does not have a nasal floor.  Hence...she could sneeze noodles and CheezIts :) and have a water fountain of liquid come out of her nose after drinking from cup.   They will pull the muscle together from both sides and close it up.  It's common that they can't get it all the way 100% closed.  Hence...she could have a small hole or two.  And yes...this can effect her speech.  So...we shall see what happens.  Her speech up to this point has been "ma ma" and "umm."  She's doing better at sign language and certainly has the "more" sign down for more food! 

The ENT came out to tell us that he did put tubes in her ears.  She had both ears full of fluid and heavy wax.  Hence, she did fail a hearing test a few weeks ago.  Sounds to her have felt like when you are underwater listening to sounds above water.  Her loss was about 50% but will come back.  So we knew it was inevitable.  Now she should have full hearing.  She will get another hearing test in 4-6 weeks.  I'm hoping bedtime will be more comfortable for her now too.  She would get so angry and tearful at bedtime and I think it is because it hurt.  Maybe she will hear her screaming better now too...and won't be as loud ;)  lol.  

Still waiting to hear from surgeon.  Thank you all for ALL your prayers!  xoxoxo
Here's a pic from last night.  She had to have an "antibacterial" bath.  She likes the bubbles and loves to give herself a beard.  She tends to eat the bubbles too...so hey...she had a clean mouth for surgery!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the 3 point stance picture. It shows her inner bull! She's a fighter for sure! I'm looking forward to Lily talking your ear off as girls tend to do. This young lady will have a story to tell for sure! God's got a special plan for our Lily and it's going to be AMAZING!!! Love you guys!
