Friday, January 31, 2014

THAT Indescribable Love

It's hard to explain in words.  No one invented or can even coin a term to describe the love that grows in your heart for a complete stranger.  Sounds crazy right?  There's quite the story behind our decision to adopt.  And I'll write about that sometime soon.  But since the moment that we finally did officially decide to adopt...God poured this special, undeniable, unconditional precious love in our hearts.
We talked about and considered adopting for over 10 years...but it was THAT moment... and that love just continues to grow and we haven't even met her yet!  Crazy!  I know but it's amazing, joyful & heartbreaking at the same time.
To describe this love, I have to write about some history to give a better understanding.  When Dale & I were dating and getting serious, I knew I had to tell him that we may not be able to have children of our own.  I knew there was something wrong with my body and at the time, the OB's and specialists could not diagnose.  He reacted calmly and reassured me..."we will walk through this together...and if we don't get pregnant...that's OK.  Maybe we adopt. "  Well long story short...we got married...and after a lot of probing, prodding, surgery, clomid, progesterone, shots, and artificial insemination, we did get pregnant.  Then, 3 years later...pregnant on our own.  It was quite the roller coaster ride physically and emotionally.
When our first son was born, I remember this gushing of love coming out of me.  Only tears of joy streamed out of me but no sound because I was so overcome by this love that I couldn't speak.   When we got pregnant again...time and time again I would think "how could I love this next child as much as I love Jake?"  How is this possible?  I would cuddle up with our 1st son, read & sing (until that fateful night He asked me not to sing:/ ha ha) and actually worry about how I could love this next baby as much as him.
Then our 2nd son was born.  And I'll never forget the feeling of this whole new gushing of love.  Not only were tears streaming out of my eyes...but I had the ugly, cry look which had my husband leaning over me with a perplexed look...asking, "are you OK?  are those tears happy or sad?"   Those were tears of a whole, new kind of joy!
So, how can I describe this love we have for Lily who IS born, who IS across the world, whom we have never met?  I can't justifiably describe it.  But, here's what I can tell you.  The love for her is no different from the love we have for our biological sons.  When I was pregnant with them...I knew I loved them but it wasn't until THAT moment they were born where THAT indescribable love started gushing in, through, out & around my heart like a waterfall.  And it's been like that everyday.   With Lily, THAT moment, THAT love was the day we officially decided to adopt.  And we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God had already chosen for us and it was just a matter of time before we get to see her face, touch her nose, hug, kiss and hold her close.  She may not been born out of my womb but regardless, God chose her for us...and THAT is a love that is indescribable.
Anyone out there adopting or thinking of adopting...your "THAT" moment may not be the same as ours.  So please don't compare or think yours should be different.  Everyone has a different story because we all should have a different story.  Otherwise we'd be clones ;)  But I want to encourage those that the love for your adopted child is JUST as STRONG as any biological child you may or may not have had.  And the best advice I can give...PRAY and TRUST in God.  He is faithful!


  1. Hey there! My name is Allie. Just came across your blog and saw that you are adopting a little girl from Xinyang! We were just matched with a little boy from Xinyang. He is 17 months old! We have a lot of waiting to do! So excited to hear that you will be bringing her home soon! Congratulations!!!

    1. Oh my word Allie! THAT is amazing!!! AND, we have the same agency!!! Just reading some of your blog! Congrats to you! Would love to talk to you somehow!! I'm hoping to visit the orphanage!
