Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lily flies South Ya'll!!!!

It was time to introduce Lily to the South!  We took our family to TX to spend time with my brother and his family.  My sister-n-law, niece and nephew had not met Lily yet so it was time to fly south! :)

The boys were ready for lift off!
 Lily happily played on her Nabi with her "Ba Ba"
It was a beautiful, smooth flight and we actually arrived 50 minutes early.  
The winds were with us :))
Lily did fantastic!
 Lily and Noah at DFW baggage claim.

It was 65 degrees and full sunshine when we got there and the next couple days the temp climbed to 71 degrees.  It was all sunshine from the moment we arrived until the moment we left.  
There was lots of play outside of course!  We had a blast!

The playground was one highlight... 


FREEZE TAG!  So much fun!  Catching cousin Chase was nearly impossible but Noah got him~!
Jake was quite the contender too!

Uncle Price and Noah

Swings - a favorite for Lily

Lily had the best time with her cousins Chelsea and Chase.  She loved them instantly!

Lily spent much time being held and hugged by Aunt Pemb Pemb.  She loved cuddling with Aunt Pemb Pemb and grabbing her face to kiss her.  

In was hard to pry her away from Aunt Pemb Pemb!  

Lily loves to look at pictures (of herself!) and Uncle Price showed her all 1,000 he took of her and the entire family on his computer ;)

More outside play!
Look!  No hands No  hands!!!  Lily meets the skateboard for the first time.
And here we go...another gray hair for momma!  Had to check all fingers and toes and limbs to make sure they were still intact! ;0
 Cousin Chase and his sidekicks!
 No...Lily didn't really kick her cousin;) but it looks that way!  Chase always keeps us in "stitches" ...laughing constantly!

Grandma (aka: "Mommoo / Mima") and her two eldest grandchildren :)

Great memories made on this trip!  Frisbee games kept the boys running outside (and climbing ladders to get the frisbees off of roofs and neighbor back yards ;).  Sitting in the rocking chairs on the back patio watching the action (and comedy) and soaking in the sun with some iced down "sweeeeet tea" was my heaven.  I enjoyed every second!
Many laughs, stories and made up question games were held at the dinner table.   There's nothing like breaking bread with family.  I love when we hold hands in prayer before we eat.  I love when we eat to our bellies are about to explode.  And I love when we make a bad decision and cram our "dessert pockets" with cookie dough ice-cream!  Its the best!
Thank you to our family down South!  Love Ya'll!

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