Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"The Case for Grace"

Ok.  Let me first confess a couple "white lies."  Yes, I lied.  I had amazing intentions to write in this blog once a week and I am still struggling in my time management! Truly!  I really will get there!!!  But I have these little monkeys that pull on my leg and climb up my back and sometimes they restrain me with ropes and tape!   Ok ...  So, I lied, again.   I'm sorry!  Second, I also lied about writing my "back-story" on fear.  Not gonna do it...this time ;)   I will write it...THAT I promise.  But I found such urgency to share this amazing story on GRACE!  Something I so often lack!  But...Lee Strobel who is a NY Times best selling author came to our church to share a message on this thing called "grace."  He's not only a great author but was an amazing speaker as well!  His message was incredible!!! Please!!!!  I urge watch or listen (I suggest watch...I like visuals!) to the message on my church's website.  Here is the web address:

If you have problems with above, go to and click on "watch messages."  Then click on the "Case for Grace" week 1 message (by Lee Strobel).

Lee tells stories.  I LOVE stories!  He tells real live people true stories!  Those are my favorite!  One is on adoption which is amazing (even if you are not going to adopt...please watch...there is more to it!).  The second story is on forgiveness which again is something that I struggled with for over 30 years!!  And really, who doesn't struggle with forgiveness!  Everyone has a story about that.   And amidst it all...there is grace.  Don't we all search for grace?  I ask God for grace every day.  I feel like I find grace some days and then the next, I lost it like I lose my keys.  Not only did I lose the grace but some bad choice words start to fly out under my breath.  Just driving today...yeah, no grace for Nancy! Nope, I didn't extend any grace while driving today (or yesterday...or the day before)!

These stories from Lee obviously come from his book, "The Case for Grace."  I just started reading it and I love it already.  Grace is much easier understood (I believe) from stories rather than just a definition.  Isn't that true with so many things!

But here's a definition for you definition lovers:  *"Grace is the favor shown by God to sinners."
In other words...*"at its core it is an unmerited and unconditional gift of God's love that we can never earn or deserve."   Amazing!
Ephesians 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
We tend to always try to prove ourselves and work so hard to earn things...but grace is truly a gift from God!!  So check out Lee's stories at above website!  It was so good, I'm going to watch again!

I named this website "Sea of Grace" for two reasons.  One is, Lily's (our daughter's) Chinese name had the meanings "sea " and "grace" in it.  Hence, we named her Lily Ann Grace. I couldn't fit "ocean" or "sea" in her name!  Little too much.   Second, I knew that I would literally need God to breathe an ocean of grace into me to get through the adoption process & journey to bring Lily home.  I knew that I could not do it (nor my hubby) on my own.  I'm still learning about grace.  But the one thing I know without a shadow of doubt...the source of grace... is from our Heavenly Father.  And He has oceans and oceans (infinite!) of grace.  I try to extend grace to others but I am human and it sure doesn't always work that way.  And thankfully God does not keep score on my lack of grace.  That's the thing about grace!  It's "unconditional."

But I believe we are meant to extend God's grace to others.  And sometimes that looks impossible ...but all things are possible with God.  Luke 1:37  "For nothing is impossible with God."

(pic of Clearwater FL - our kids met the ocean for the first time!)
sand,  sea, sunsets and Daddy...Lily loves it!

Me and my cute hat wearing, amazing boys !
Sunset beach walkin'.  hmmmm...yes, I would pitch a tent and live here!

Is there anything more peaceful than the ocean?  Is there???  I'm always at peace at the beach!  That sea of grace that I love to look at ...goes on forever and forever.  That tide that moves in and out and the sound of it washing the beach soothes my soul.    There is a peace in God's grace.
Nature resembles so much of HIM and all that He freely extends to us out of pure,
unconditional, tremendous, sacrificial , BEAUTIFUL LOVE.
I hope and pray you soak in all that God offers...especially accepting HIS GRACE.
The heart of HIS GRACE encompasses LOVE and PEACE.

BTW, Lee has written several books...but another amazing book is "A Case for Christ" (and "A Case for Easter" ...smaller version of aforementioned book).  Lee, former atheist,  set out to find if there was any historical evidence of Jesus being the Son of God and any evidence of his resurrection. And lots of evidence he found~!!  Check it out~
*Quotes from:  "The Case for Grace" by Lee Strobel

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